Posted 1/28/2013 8:09 AM (GMT 0)
FL I have took an interest in what you say, my husband was going through the same as you, he was told to certain things suggested. I was horrible,nasty,etc, when he tried to "take over my life" as I saw it, he didn't do things that was advised, I drove Under the Influence because I was NOT drunk. I did & am ashamed to say was reported by a caring neighbour, I was prosecuted, locked up over night, finedĀ£400
($730) banned for 3 years. Please take the advise, this is going to,start a battle Iam sure, do it stay stong don't give up. I could be in jail now I was 3 1/2 x over the legal limit which held a custodial sentence, I was & looked ill so no jail. I still never stopped no car drink more argue argue argue. I was destroying mine, my husband daughters The family. I was then taken into hospital hence CLD, Hep C alcohol related, all the signs your husband had I had too, if you look at the bigger picture and think too much what if, I'd only, go with your instinct you will know what to do as & when things happen advice is very important, picture yourself doing all the training to be an Air Hostess, and when things go wrong all the traing is so important a bit like us go through day to day routine when it goes wrong you are. Of prepared you will deal with & cope with it as when things happen, it won't be nice,put please tough love is the only love in our cases, he will hate you call you names fine, but NO physical abuse is acceptable in any form. This will cause uproar in your day to day life, but believe me when I say I love my husband more now than ever,I wanted that help once I was told how close to death I was, I have also been in your shoes my ex husband was the same as yours, he didn't want help so I had no choice to throw him out I had a 6 month old baby & 2 young girls, he sadly for my girls died. So I suppose you can say I have been there got the T-shirt on both sides. Remember tough love trust me it will be a case of sera sera (what ever will be will be the futures not ours to case sera sera). Song you are in for a tough ride but you will get the life you deserve you + want to live. After all you only get one go at life no dress rehearsal. Go girl he will love or leave you. Be selfish get your life back. Good Luck You will quided my your strength
Sue (Liverpool)
Ps don't know were all my feelings and advise comes from, Iam a better person 9 months on for me still poorly but i am alive thanks to my husband.