My husband, Ron, received his transplant - almost 2 years - ago (February 3, 2011).
Ron is very sensitive to medication. The Prograf and then Cyclosporine caused all types of neurological issues (talking out of his head, shaking and tremors, he heard our dog running up and down the hospital hallways, told the doctor there was something sitting on his head - and he was convinced there was a family living in the large oak tree outside his hospital window). Ron was 'glazed' over or asleep, or aggitated.
The doctors called in a psychiatrist for a consult - nope - that wasn't it.
In the meantime, I was researching the side effects of Prograf and Cyclosporine (since they are related) - he seemed to exhibit every one!
about 1 month after the transplant, I was afraid to leave Ron at home while I worked (even though I was 7 miles away) - after many talks with the team pharmacist/doctors/surgeons Ron was placed on Rappamune. It took about a week for the Cyclosporine to leave his system. He stayed on Rappamune for approximately 6 months, then changed over to Prograf.
I'm sure they can find the right drug - just continue to be the great advocate you are!
Pam and Ron