So, some of you will remember me - I post from time to time. My tests have been pretty good lately and the HE seems to be under control with Lactulose, Ribavirin, etc.
That's progress considering I was having seizures in October and in hospital quite a bit with HE.
Well a week ago my husband told me he "wanted a new life". We are 56 years old, no children (except my older step children from a previous marriage who I'm close to) and have been together 13 years. We were solid, I thought. 5 or 6 years ago I stood by him when he had two heart attacks and triple bypass surgery. I spend lots of time making sure his diet is heart healthy.
It just seems unusually cruel to me ... all he says is he still loves me but "things change" and he simply will not discuss it further. Everyone around me is shocked speechless. We have been so respectful, happy and caring about one another.
Anyway I'm dealing with it thanks to my sisters. I've never had Edema, but now my legs are swelling like bowling pins. Tomorrow I see my family doctor to get referrals begun - we live in a beautiful mountain region but I am moving to the city where my family can help out. He's going back east to the town he left 30 years ago.
The only thing I can figure out is that my health is wearing on his heart condition and he won't tell me. But if someone doesn't want you any more the reasons why don't matter. Maybe there's someone else.
I'm coming here for support because you folks are so caring. It looks like I'll have to toughen up ... I'm just not too sure I have it in me. I'm feeling more fragile than I can remember ... ever.