Thank you so much to you all for your help. I understand more now, thanks to all of you. He is depressed, but really who wouldn't be when looking down this road. Not taking any medication for it at this time because he doesn't want any more meds and now not having insurance makes that tough.
MamaLama, He was a Tool & Die Maker and had to stand on his feet all day long. Towards the very end of working they made him supervisor and gave him an office, but he said even then maybe only an hour a day was sitting and the rest was standing which he physically cannot do anymore for any length of time.
Ziff, thanks for that point of view, I do understand what you mean.
Appointment is on the 28th, so hopefully it will go well. I am sure they will not let me in the room, which is not good because I often speak for him about what is going on. Hopefully it will go well! You are all awesome, thanks again so much!