hep93 said...
Liz, yes, it does happen. I hope this is the case with you. If not, you will need treatment. I really would like to know exactly what liver enzyme it is that was 2000 and then decreased to 50 now. ALT, AST, Alka-Phos, or what?
Was there mention of heavy drinking? I must have missed that. Liz, how long have you been sober now?
Yep, my doctor knows about
the drinking, but depends on the definition of
heavy. I drank about
2-3 times a week for a few months. Usually to the point of getting drunk(about
8 beers), but was never a drink every day or all day drinker. As far as sober, gotta admit, i havent abstained completely. Had a couple beers a few weeks a go, and a celebratory drink for a birthday yesterday. I know I shouldn't, but im not going to lie about