Ok, I'll try to be brief.
7 years ago I got yellowing fingers, freaked me out. along with weird visual symtpoms and poor circulation. had various tests done, never given a diagnosis of anything. I assumed was related to ciruclation, i dunno. had blood tests done and nothing was abnormal.
last year i was taking a lot of ibuprofen and at one point i had white stool. i stopped soon after. i stupidly didnt investigate this or anything, anyway, that went away.
i had some lung issues this summer which cleared up and had a blood test at the time... checking back my results were .75 bilirubin and about
40 ALT and AST was about
25 alubuin (sp?) was 4.9. this was twoards the high end of normal obv, but i wasnt to know as doc didnt say anything as was in normal range and blood test was for something else. anyway, why would they.
Then I noticed this october some yellowing of my fingers again, weird as hadnt happened for a long time. this was the time of my second blood test to check for something else related to lungs...
bilirubin 1.2 total, .5 direct. ALT 54, AST 41 more or less albubin 4.4. others totally normal.
at this point i realised something was up and stopped drinking immediately. had taken lots of painkillers over the summer for a torn shoulder tendon. (yes, my body has been crap the past 12 months!)
then started getting some discomfort in right side behind the ribs, it tends to move a bit.
went to see a GI. he sent me for an ultrasound and fibromax.... ultrasound was clean and fibrotest and actitest were 0.25 in the 0-1 range. he told me as he had before the tests that he thought i had gilberts syndrome.
i have been having digestive issues lately, floating stools, a bit of gas.... on the light side sometimes, not white or anything, just light brown, quite runny at times.
anyway, i havent touched alcohol for 8 weeks, no medications, looking after myself... the discomfort is still there, comes and goes, not pain....doc said couldnt feel any inflamation....anyway, im thinking ill get another blood test done after a dry and healthy christmas period to see whats happening....
Post Edited By Moderator (MamaLama) : 12/12/2013 11:07:56 AM (GMT-7)