John, I'm by no means a expert and learned much of what I know from experience and speaking with a doctor face to face. I'm sure some odd cases of drinking socially for years has resulted in fatty liver. I don't believe anyone has been willing to "guinea pig" themselves to test the theory. From what I gather, in order to reach a point where the liver get's badly damaged from social drinking there is typically underlying problems. AIH, Hep.C or anything wont mix well with alcohol on any level. If you wish to abstain it's best.
Social drinking and alcoholic abuse are two separate issues. You don't by admission fit into alcoholic behavior. You can do some nasty damage to a liver with over the counter medications alone. Think about
people with Migraines, Constantly popping pills to reduce the pain, Safe enough huh? They sell them over the counter it's got to be o.k, Big misconception.
Anything can kill you. Even things that seem harmless. wonder how many people die from a bee sting a year? Bet you can google it and the statistics will be shocking
. Living our life with the blankets pulled tightly over our heads and listening for the boogie man is no way to live. Don't wreck your health intentionally and be aware of what you put into your body is about
all you can do. Don't worry, Nature has a way of reclaiming it's creations regardless of how much human involvement goes on, positively or negatively.