Dog LeDon said...
I have come to the conclusion that anxiety and stress is the cause of most of my problems.
I agree 100% with Dog Ledon, I suffered with anxiety and stress mostly work related, though I work from home the work I do is very specialized and at times intense and its ALWAYS on my mind for many years and only the last few years did it slow down a little but the anxiety and stress on me was intense.
When all this happened I also had to contact a psychologist to talk, my wife recommended it because obviously she thought I was getting rather out of control with my thinking and worrying non-stop and she worried I would have a stroke or heart attack simply from worrying.
My advice is besides these forums if you can speak with a psychologist(if you haven't already) you may find it helps to let a load of steam out, I had no desire whatsoever to go see one but when I did I
opened up...I cried and most of all I said EVERYTHING I wanted to say that was inside and someone listened and helped me and each time I left I felt so much better.
I personally have always hated the thought of visiting a psychologist and I always thought they were idiots but in the end I realized I was actually the idiot for not going and sharing my feelings with one sooner, it truly did help me understand myself a bit better and also helped me let out everything that was eating me up inside.