I posted something a few days ago but lost it, and did not have time to go back and repost.
I have not been confirmed with any diagnosis. I have to many hep doctors disputing my diagnosis to get anything firm other than there has been significant improvement in my numbers since they stented me up a year ago. I woke up morning extremely yellow. At first they were thinking viral hep A, but were not sure. Test negative, blah blah blah. Anyways, after getting told I was an alcoholic due to my age, 31 at the time and the severity of my liver cirrhosis I got a second opinion. He thought I had an obstruction or PSC. After an MRCP I had an emergency ERCP where they put in 2 or 3 stents, not sure. At the time he found a huge mass on my bile duct. He said it was not vascular, so he thought cancer was not an issue but wanted me to be aware it was a possibility. Within about 6 weeks my jaundice was gone and took about 6 months to get my liver function back to my bili being normal and other labs close to normal.
The doctor who did the ERCP said that even though there were stones that the likely hood that I had bile duct stricture that caused no pain and this advanced damage without me noticing it was impossible. He said I had to have PSC. My primary hep, who works in the same clinic as the doc who did the ERCP said no that this could happen. Well lets say, they want my liver now as it is a first for them.
A few things I have learned from my team and from months of research. You are right, your MELD stays pretty low, as PSC ravages your liver. I would suggest strongly to look for a living donor, PSC patients do extremely well with living donors. I know it is risky for the donor, but most PSC patients I have found to have living donors. Also, find a transplant area with a low MELD transplant score so you have a better chance. Most PSC patients only hover around 12 to 13 before they get to sick for transplant.
Sad thing is, PSC patients have one of the highest recovery rates and it is extremely rate for it to come back in the transplanted liver unlike many other auto-immune liver diseases.
If you have turned jaundice, ask about stenting until they do a resection. Even with the PHT, getting the cancer out is needed. Bile duct cancer is high in PSC patients and is nothing to mess around with. The sooner you do it, the better. I think the risk is worth it, you just have to find a doctor who will do it. There is typically things they do before surgery to prep you. Load you up on vitamin k, band all varicies etc. Surgery for people with PHT can be done, and do not let them talk you out of it.
The surgeon I saw who was going to cut the cyst out of me, before they realised it was inflammation and mysteriously disappeared, said that even though it was risky it was more risky to let it turn to cancer and not get it out.
I know of a forum where there are people with PSC and there is a group on facebook for it.
Like I said, I am not confirmed with it, but its a 50-50 shot for me. I hope to just keep going the way I am. Oh, caffine is good for PSC patients. Not sure why, but they say it is.
I do know there is some really strong research out there showing decrease in firbous bile ducts out there with PSC. It is still 2 to 3 years out though minimum.
You sound well informed, I think that is really important. Learn as much as you can, as sometimes doctors are not on top of everything going on out there.