Posted 8/4/2014 3:09 AM (GMT 0)
Alex, Breaking down in front of your Dad finally is not a bad thing. I wouldn't encourage you to let that happen frequently, Your human and it's gonna happen. I say this from my point of view. Your dad and I see things pretty close personality wise, as best I can tell. He needs to have the comfort of you holding down the "fort" should all hell break loose. Compassion (to the point of tears) from guys like us is distributed out moderately at best. Only time I get choked up is when I see another guy tearing up. You know he's in a world of hurt if you see tears. I, like you, have to walk away or lose composure. Call it machismo or whatever you like. Too little of what you, your dad and I have has been removed from the male society in my humble opinion. Continue on as usual my good man. Your doing your father more good than you know.
I suppose it's easy for me to sit here and cast dispersions on the way the attempted to do that paracentesis or by those wielding the needle. I do however find it a bit hard to swallow that a proper physician wasn't called in to do the procedure. Particularly when he is in such a compromised condition. Everyones different and I'm aware of varying circumstances but myself being considered a chronic ascites patient have I heard of such problems with veins. Where are they pulling the fluid from? His Arm? What form of magnifying glass was used in place of imaging equipment? (Sarcasm). Me thinks a heart to heart discussion is warranted with the coordinator.