I was daignosed with hEP c in the late 90's. the FDA hadn't even approved the treatment yet. I was part of a trial out of UMDNJ in Newark using Interfuron only, When I complained to SDchering about the aches and pains, I was told I was a rare case and the exception rather than the norm. My Dr. - who oversaw the treatment for the liver speacialist prescrbied me percodan for pain. soma for aches and xanax for anxiety. A recoevering addict when I beganb the reatment, I was in full blown addiction in no time. Needles to say the treatment did't work.
Last year I had a bisposy (2004) and my viral lode was 8 million. I was not ready to go on treatment again psycologically so I waited until this year. My viral lode is now 148 million. I am on the Pegasus (one shot a week with 6 pills of Ribavirin a day). The shots a killer, but I am clean and sober and the regiment inkly lasts a year thus tme as oposed ti 12 monthd the last time,'
One thing that coinfused me was the Dr, said I should take Tylenol for pain. I had heard that was a tabboo for Hep suffererers, but he say that's only for active drinkers .
The shot as I said is killer and I spend the night shivering to death, Does this level off, and what about the tylenol issue? Thanks. I am stage 2
Post Edited (curio) : 10/24/2005 9:51:25 AM (GMT-6)