I found a study in which this is discussed. Maybe you can search back for the referenced articles and find what you need.
Page 1352, item (6).
onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1600-6143.2010.03064.x/pdfI hadn't heard of this before, but it was interesting to find out about
. LIkely not so exciting for you. thay make much of the viarability of labs in calculating hte INR in the first place and suggest that some centers might "game the system" before transplant by sending patient labs to centers with consistently high readings. Grrr.
And I found a calculator (which is more actual math that the ones we use for the regular MELD...sorry, find a math teacher quick:
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23406689Here is the forumla if one of our folks can do this stuff:
MELD-XI=11.76(loge creatinine)+5.112(loge total bilirubin)+9.44
Let us know if this helped.