Hi everyone,
Gene saw his GI specialist for his quarterly visit and lab work. The doctor was very impressed with how Gene looks and is doing and can't explain why his cancer hasn't spread beyond stating it may not like the liver toxins in his system.
The results of his lab tests were faxed to us this morning. I'm really impressed that both AST and ALT levels were well in the normal range as was the albumin level. Biliruben and ammonia levels were slightly elevated and hemoglobin and PT were almost normal. And high Iron levels have come down quite a bit since last measured.
Gene is starting back on low levels of Inderol as his BP is slowly going up and up. When he first was on Inderol, he almost died when his BP went dangerously low and didn't want to come up enough even when the medication was stopped. But we will take baby steps and make sure he doesn't have problems. I'm always a little concerned that he wasn't being treated for varicies and hepatic portal hypertension. I'll let you know how things go with the Inderol. Has anyone else had problems with this medication. Well, if it doesn't work out for Gene I can try it for my anxiety and high blood pressure.
My best to all our friends on the forum. Gene follows everyone's posts but hasn't joined in yet. I've asked him to help me trouble shout and enable our pop up on the browser, etc. so I can join in the chat room. He's the computer genius in our family. Taught himself everything from books.