Hi Connie
Thanks for your reply! I dont know what the Dr is he is a conultant at the GU Clinic. He just keeps saying that they need to do tests, at the last appointment I had to ask why they were not being treated yet, his reply was they needed to do more tests, i said but you can treat the hepc, but he says more tests, he could not even provide my dad a nicorette patch, as he thimks my dad has hardenng of the atteries an must give up smoking NOW, but the thing is the diseses are not aloud to be spoken about to my dad, i think he is in some sort of denial. These things that he ha got to do are so hard for him smoking, drinking, drugs (canabis) they have been with him since childhood, but he has also used needles, and i dont know if it is cause of my feelings about all these suprises, but i think the Dr does not really care, just sees as some more cash on his books, as he has not pushed counciling or any sort of help and it is obvious he needs some proffesional help, but he is not listening, this has been goin on for 3 months nearly and still no clearer, how can he come to terms with it and start to sot his life out when the doctor don't give a toss. So i dont know what the next step should be i am going thelinic again next Tuesday, i am going to take a list of medications for each and i want full explainsion if he is not started on anything, so far he has had some vitamins but i had to ask him about that, and when i mentioned if there where any supplements he could take he smirked.
I just dont get a very good vibe from him!!!
Thanks again for your reply