Hello I am new to this and Ilm not sure you will even get this. My husband was diagnosed with cirhossis 7 mths ago. He has not touch alcohol since. For four months we have been one week in the hospital one week home then back in the hospital. In the beginning it was sodium levels then all the other electrolytes. They started draining him every week in May. Since then we have had epsodes of three drains a week. A total of 23 liters at one time. That is when his Dr. sent him to Vanderbilt. They have changed his medication and now for the first time it looks like maybe he won't have to be drained tomorrow (our usual day to be drained. He also has two hernia's one keeps popping out and its very painful. That was one of our emergency trips. My question now is he's so week he can hardly walk. Today he fell down then started vomiting and his hernia papped out again. I have learned how to get it pushed back in but I'm concerned about his weekness. His apatite has been horrible the last three day. Any advise would be great.
Thank you