Hi Maggie, I know it’s really tough right now and certainly easy to give in to his need for alcohol. I also know that you can’t keep detoxing him at home. Do you have a book store near you? If so PLEASE get the book titled “When I Say No I Feel Guilty” by Manuel Smith. This book was written many years ago but it is the book that changed my life. It empowers you to do what you have to do and say what has to be said without guilt. I am an RN and I worked in a psych unit for the first 10 years of my career. I am fascinated with the human brain and what makes us do what we do. After working there for about a year our Chief Psychiatrist had all of us read the book. He thought it might help us when dealing with our patients. It did have the effect he so desired. The best part was that it changed my life dramatically. It is easy reading so it won’t take long. I saw myself in almost every chapter I read and was shocked at how much guilt motivates us. I quickly applied what I had read and to my astonishment it changed how I was perceiving and treating my patients, loved ones, and myself. I became a strong independent person that no longer enabled others. I learned to be honest but kinder, firm but gentle, understanding but not negotiable in certain issues or situations and much more. I don’t usually recommend self help books but this is the exception. I have read it three times and bought copies and gave them to my friends. It can change your life which in turn can change your husbands life.
You’re right he has lost control and is now completely out of control. His decision making skills are not up to par so he is grabbing to maintain some control over his life. As you know being impaired mentally in any way causes us to make bad decisions then adding the addiction to alcohol compounds his problems. Therefore, the control falls to you. I hope the book helps you as much as it did me.
PS Always keep hope. NEVER EVER give up hope. And as far as the sling goes he should have a follow up appointment and they will tell you how long he needs to wear it. Every Dr is different so wait for the Dr to tell you.