Hello everyone. I have skimmed this forum and attempted to search, but haven't had much luck. Anyway...for quite a while now my stomach has been growing. I look very pregnant, but not in a traditional way...more like I swallowed a huge basketball or a 10lb baby. I'm getting stretch marks and everything because it's happening kind of fast.
I went to the doc about it last week along with itchy skin, muscle aches, and joint pain. She felt my stomach and said my liver felt enlarged and that she was worried about the swelling and was thinking it was nash/nafld because of my weight, PCOS, and family history. She did a whole list of blood work, a cushings test, and scheduled an abdominal ultrasound. I just had the ultrasound 2 days ago with no results yet. Most of my blood work came back yesterday, 26 little tests still pending, and I had an elevated GGT and a slightly elevated...very slightly elevated I should say...AST. She told me in a note on the blood work that we'll wait for the ultrasound to come back to try to figure it out. Only problem is I'm 150lbs overweight and she's not so sure they would've been able to get a good look at my liver because of the weight and because of the swelling so she was mostly looking to see how much fluid has built up. Oh...btw the autoimmune hep test came back negative.
Here's what I'm wondering...have any of you had nash or nafld? How about your GGT/AST levels? Something I'm worried about that I don't think she tested for his hep C. I have over 20 tattoos and quite a few of the symptoms obviously. I'm not convinced I have hep, but I'm probably going to bring it up in my appt tomorrow. Just wondering if anyone here can relate or has any info about any of this. Very new to liver problems/diseases...my uncle has nash, but never told anyone til recently...his is a very mild case though it seems.