Hi, Jilly. You might ask his doctor about the possibility of draining him. They are not anxious to do this because there is the risk of infection. It's kind of a last resort. Also, if it's not just his stomach that is bloated, it won't help his legs and feet. As Butterfly mentioned, a low-sodium diet helps a lot. Try cooking w/o salt. Don't use canned veggies as they have too much sodium. If you use canned beans, you can wash and drain them in a colander to get most of the salt off; then add some water to heat them. Try salt substitute or lemon juice. Also, if salt is absolutely needed, sea salt is preferable as it doesn't increase sodium content as much as regular salt. Get in the habit of reading labels. Check for sodium. Just about everything has sodium in it, except fresh fruits and veggies. Also ask the doctor about fluid restriction.
Elevation of the legs, higher than the head, also helps a lot. This should be done for about 20 min. every hour when the edema is really bad. TEDS (thromboembolus deterrent stockings) help, though they can be very difficult to get on.
Is he on both Lasix and Aldactone (spironolactone?) The Aldactone is a mild diuretic, but also balances the potassium that is lost with the Lasix. I am on both.
These are just some suggestions for you, but don't hesitate to ask the doctor about the ascites and edema and what can be done.