Hi All,
I am new here to this forum. My husband is 54 and was diagnosed 3 years ago by biopsy of having alcoholic liver disease, which the hepatologst said is a "spectrum" so he didn't say any stage or grade of anything. According to the biopsy, he has diffuse microvesicular and macrovesicular steatosis, mild increase in reticulin (?) and some fibrosis. Dr. didn't say how much, kinda didn't care since my husband wanted to continue drinking alcoholically.
My husband drinks at least an 18 pack of beer per day, most days much more, is drunk from morning till he passes out, his whole face is covered w/spider angiomas/telectasias, he's lost alot of hair on his arms and legs, he has parotid gland enlargement, and every day gets bloody nose which lasts from 15 mins to 1/2 hour. He doesn't smoke, but he gets this bad choking cough all the time when he's on his binges. His labs last year were all over the place, all his lft's out of range, even bilirubin (direct, indirect and total) were all slightly elevated. Last year he was hospitalized cause he had severe muscle wasting which caused rhabdomyolysis, then went to rehab, where he was sober for almost 4 months before relapsing again (even worse than before he stopped), went to rehab again, was sober almost 4 months and is now on another binge for the past three weeks, drinking 24/7, over 18 beers per day, not eating at all. Before this binge, his lft's were almost down to normal range (first time in over 20 years). God knows what they are now. He does not have hepatomegaly, dr. can't even feel his liver upon palpation. I want him to get a CT scan to see if his liver disease has progressed, but ins. is giving us a hard time paying for it, so don't really know what's going on.
Does anyone know where we might be at right now. I need to know what's in store more me, and if anyone knows if there may be a progression, I would appreciate it. He also was recently diagnosed with type 2 diabetes (after his last relapse) and left ventricular hypertrophy. Today he is supposedly going thru "withdrawals" cause he wants to stop drinking. That may last a day or two before he goes back, but I don't like him doing that either, I don't think it's safe. Any help you can give me is appreciated.