My mother (52 y/o) was diagnosed with cirrhosis around October 2008. We finally got her to go to the hospital because the jaundice was very bad. She had been feeling bad for awhile and her stomach was getting bigger each week. I was and still am kept in the dark on most of this. My sister lives with my mom so she sees and hears pretty much everything. Momma will tell her how she feels and ask that she not tell me. They are going to the Dr. (I was told he is a liver specialist) in 2 days and I was hoping someone could help me with the kind of questions that should be asked. I am hoping if I write them down the Dr. can answer them for my sister because I cant get off work to go. This is as much of her history that I know given that so many things are kept from me: she was in the hospital in Oct. for 3 weeks, I learned it was alcohol related while she was there. My sister told me she drank vodka everyday, how much I'm not sure. When she left the hospital she was given medication for the swelling and to help with the jaundice. After a few months and several trips back to the ER nothing had changed. We took her to another hospital and they kept her a few weeks and drained the fluid--she told me she lost 70 lbs total. Before the fluid was drained she was forgetting things and her speech was slurred--I found out at the 2nd hospital she was still drinking. I talked with my sister and stressed the importance of letting me know if she started back. I knew she hadn't been feeling very good the last few weeks but she kept saying when she goes to the Dr. this week she's going to tell him her symptoms. Well, my sister called tonight crying she told me that momma has been shaking alot, not eating, sleeping all day because she is up all night, having nose bleeds, throwing up every couple of days, she's not going to the bathroom, she can't walk straight and cant get her words out right. My sister said she finally told me because she's worried our mother wont make it till the appointment. I've asked so many times what she has been told by the Dr.'s and all I hear is she just needs to take her meds and continue to go to her appts. I read some posts talking about the AST and ALT levels, her ascites and jaundice seem to be under control. I just feel like this is so much worse than she lets on and I feel that if I knew more about her condition I could be more helpful.
I know this is long, I'm sorry, but if anyone knows some things to ask the Dr. that will help educate me on her situation I would really appreciate it, thank you.