here i am again at the same stage again, my mum who has liver disease has been boosted up, made as best as she can be and is shouting to get out the hospital. i feel emotionally drained. for the last 2 years she has had a few near misses, but for the last 6 years it has been stressfull.
its bad enough dealing with her, but i have her partner to deal with too. he puts up with her drinking ( i say put up cause he takes all the abuse, cleans up the mess, and stresses out everyone else with his shouting and arguing), but he takes it out on me. my mum never lets me do anything, i offer she refuses, so does he. we had another set to at the hospital, where he cracked up saying i dont do enough, i am useless, i have a chip on my shoulder and i dont put myself out. i have a good husband, two children the youngest is 13. when she was serious in hospital, i was up every day, when she gets better, i go every second sometimes every third day. i have my gran her mum who is in a care home, who knows nothing about my mum, i visit her twice a week as she has no one else. i have no sisters, brothers, either does she and her friend dont want to know because she has changed through her drinking. i also work 30 hours per week. but no matter what i do it is never enough, they praise their neighbours about how good they are, they are doing the things i offer to do.
i have thought long and hard about him saying i was selfish and had a chip on my shoulder. the only way i see this is i am angry that the drink has lost me a mother and my children a loving grandmother. she is due to get out, no mention of staying off the drink as usual.i dare not mention it as she would bite my head off. should i forget everything and be visiting her most days, i don'twant my daughter growing up thinking i was never there. i told my mum she comes first, they resent that.so i don't know if i am going in for another fight. i want to walk away from it all, but if anything happens to her i might regret it.but i know she will die soon. am i being selfish not being there all the time. every time there is a fight i say i am not going to let them treat me this way, but i don'tknow what to do. even writing this all down is helping me, thanks for listening