Hello, HepDavis, and welcome to the forum! I am very sorry to hear that you have chronic hep B and liver cancer. That's quite a large tumor you have! Mine was 12 cm x 11.5 cm and it took up the entire right lobe. I don't know who you are seeing for this, but you need a lot more than Naproxen, which is an anti-inflammatory. It is sold over the counter as Aleve. If you are having pain, perhaps it was given to you for that.
I suggest that you see an oncologist, preferably at a center such as Mayo, and a hepatologist. Regular chemo does not work for liver cancer, but there are other treatments. I had chemoembolization and TheraSphere to kill the tumor, and then had the rt. lobe removed. I have been cancer free for 4 yrs. now, but Mayo still keeps a close eye on me. It is vital that you get aggressive treatment ASAP!