Big congrats to your hubby, Emma! Now staying sober is going to be the big challenge, but if he keeps going for help every single day, he will make progress. How often is he supposed to go? If it's only 1-3 times a week, he should be going to AA the other days (unless he has a doctor appointment.) They say we have to put as much time into our recovery as we did drinking, and alcoholics generally drink daily.
My guess is that his weakness and slowness is part withdrawal, part liver disease, and part nutritional deficiency. When we drink alcoholically, we don't eat right or at the right times. Since alcohol is high in sugar, I was told to eat ice cream or a candy bar in the beginning. It will help him some with the shakiness. While he may feel better within a few weeks, it will take a good 6 months for him to come out of the fog he's been in; to start sleeping normally and eating regularly. And then with the liver disease, there's always going to be the fatigue. But he's off to a great start. I KNOW how hard it is.
Thanks for the update! I'm rooting for him!