Hi. I am new to this forum, but I just had some questions. My mom was diagnosed with end stage cirrohsis of the liver about
a year ago. She has been in and out of the hospital MORE times than i can count. She is also a diabetic. Her latest episode in the hospital was VERY bad. She was in a coma for three days due to her ammonia being extremely high. She came out of the coma, and is now at home taking lasix and Lactulose everyday. Her memory is not good, she has Ascites VERY bad. She goes in the hospital every 2 weeks to have the fluid drained. Two weeks ago they drained 20 Liters!!!!!! Anyway, I guess my question is, does anyone know how much time she has, and will this get a lot worse??? Of course the Dr's cannot say how much time she has left, but SHE says that she knows that she may not be here for Christmas
. Please, any answers will be appreciated. Thank You