Rick, you're barking up the wrong tree if you're expecting me to remember much of anything! I've got that CRS thing and don't know if it's from the hep or age...but it ain't fun.
Wondering, your hubby is obviously in deep denial...not only to you, but probably also to himself. The drops of blood may be from a nosebleed--somewhat common in folks with esophageal varices or clotting problems. If you ever see him bleeding profusely or vomiting blood, call Rescue or get him to the ER pronto! He could bleed out and die in no time unless he gets immediate medical care.
He's rather foolish to continue trying to work (trying to appear normal...another form of denial) and should really be applying for SS disability. Of course, then he would have to write down what is actually going on and what his diagnosis is.
I know how hard this must be for you. We are always here for you.