PCPs, and specialists other than hepatologists, don't know a great deal about liver disease. I saw my PCP today and told her about the new hep C treatment becoming available next year and she hadn't heard about it. Of course, she also asked me if I smoked or drank--and I've been sober over 24 yrs. and nicotine free for 8 yrs. She has so many patients, she can't keep them straight, although I've been seeing her for about 18 yrs. So don't take what she said too seriously.
And yes, I'm one with cirrhosis who is still here and doing well except for fatigue.
What you do need to consider during the holidays is the abundance of booze that's available. Temptation is everywhere, so hopefully your hubby is committed enough to stay sober. Those first winter holidays sober are hard.
Enjoy having your son home and try not to worry.