How can someone be so ungrateful!? As you know I am helping my fiance take care of his sick mom. I have given up my life to be here with her everyday, good days or bad, because we never know when her good is going to change. As you know, it is very unpredictable. I am just about
at my wits end though!
I love her with all my heart, I grew up in her house, I have known them since I was in diapers, but oh my heavens! She is so dang grumpy! I dont know if her and my sons personality is too similar or if they just dont like each other, but she is constantly on him. Always yelling at him and arguing with him. He is 6! I can understand where he would want to argue back because of his age, but she is 64! I feel like I am doing him wrong by always getting on him and punishing him, when all he is doing is being a kid. He can be playing quietly on the floor and she will start yelling at him. She compares my kids to Mark when he was little and to her grandson, and that isnt right! My kids are not angels by no means, but they are really good, well mannered kids. It is to the point they dont want to be home, they want to stay with my mom all the time. I miss my kids! Yesterday I finally blew up, she started yelling at him at breakfast and he started to say something back and I blew. I told her I was tired of all the bickering, they are my kids and to stop and shut up. I felt bad, but yet it still felt so good!
Then I invited my friend over, we grilled out and stayed outside til Mark got home from work. I just needed the break. The rest of yesterday went good.
This morning however, the kids were getting dressed for school and she thought they were being to loud, and starting yelling, but just aimed at DK, my 6 year old. I told her I am the mom and I dont need her help. She isnt helping at all but making it worse. She looks at me rolls her eyes and said her grandson would not do that.
I dont know what to do. I love my fiance and I love her, but I love my kids to the point that I am ready to throw in the towel. He wont stand up to her, for nothing. I have asked him, pleaded with him almost cried over this stuff. He knows I am stressed and tries to help more around the house when he gets home, but still that doesn't take the stress off the constant turmoil in the house.
HELP! What should I do. I love Mark, he is the best thing that has ever happened to me. He took me and my kids on without a second thought, loves us unconditionally, but wont stand up to her, in our house! I am so tired and stressed all the time, that I want to run away. Please any advice on this situation would help so much. I dont really know who else to turn to. You have all helped me so much already, maybe you can help me with this.