I have posted alot of questions. I have posted labs. I have posted fears. You have all been so nice and helped me through. I have been advised over and over to live in the moment and enjoy the present and let go and let God.
I wanted to share with you all that I was able to do that this weekend. Hubby and I had the best one since long before his dx. Saturday night we went to a HS basketball game. I posted the icky part about it under Rick's stigma post. But the good part was that we did hook up with some friends we hadn't seen in a while and we were OUT! Which was great, because our evenings have been on the couch (with a blanket , cause hubby is always cold) watching tv. I don't mind cuddly time on the couch, but it was nice to be out.
Sunday night we went out to the fancy mall and had dinner with his sister and her husband. Lovely evening. Cold air on our faces walking the mall, good dinner, good company. Planned on the spur of the moment. Hubby was more talkative during dinner and seemed so much more himself. His sister and husband are loving and supportive, ordering cokes and iced tea with dinner. (Unlike other friends who lecture about alcoholism while sloshing their wine.)
Monday night we started a 1,000 puzzle. We have never done a puzzle in our 27+ year marriage. This was hubby's idea and purchase, he thought this would be something for us to do in the evening. And he attacked it with a vengence. And since he was in front of a card table moving around a bit he wasn't as cold as he usually is.
I felt peaceful and happy. And didn't feel like doomsday was waiting for me around every corner. Hubby feeling good had to do with it. But also the lessons learned here from you all had me enjoying the moment and rolling around in it soaking it all up, instead of wondering when the expiration date on this peaceful happy feeling was. Thank you.
PS. I was able to enjoy hubby as my husband and companion, not thinking about him as a patient. That was really nice.