After a shakey weekend, we have moved into high gear on the transplant path in MamaLama land.
Next week they will zoom Mike through a battery of consultations and tests:
More blood--how could he have any left
Psychiatrist--no only do you have to be half dead plus healthy enough for transplant, but you have to be sane
Nephrologist--that pesky renal failure rears its head again
MRI of abdomen--still looking for tumors with AFP elevated and creeping up IF IF IF the NEW bloods show his
GFR and Creratinine low enough to use the contrast
Cardiac Catherization--IF IF IF the NEW bloods show he his INR low enough for catherization
TB/Mumps test--Mumps???
So we will be in Miami Tues-Thurs. I'll take my laptop so I can post. We will be out patient at the on campus hotel and go to the various clinics during the days. And still have some time to rest.
I think he will feel better with the train moving forward rather than just feeling ill every second.
More when we have more.