So I finally sat down and read all the posts on this guys are hilarious!
What's funny is Rick gets "stereotyped" into the Southern Boy thing but can spell Opossum as it should be, with an O...and David, from posh old Nantucket, drops the O like most Americans do! I'm from Canada originally and it's funny to be integrating into the "American" way. Back home, we were all mixed up on pronunciations from the Brits and the Americans (not to mention the French being from Quebec--and Quebecois French, at that!) I did drop the eh? after most sentences and the swearing still comes out more than it should but not nearly as much as it does when I go back home
Mick, to add my 2 cents about biopsies, I had a transjugular one. I'm actually happy about that as I had no pain or discomfort. Was fully conscious for the whole thing. I did stay in hospital for the night but that was because I was sick, not because of the biopsy. They only do those when needed as I think they need more staff around for them. Too bad because I think there's less risk for complications that way.