N_ugget, welcome to the forum. Your liver has been talking to you loud and clear and telling you to stop throwing that poison into your body. Fortunately, you were listening. As others said, the best thing you can do to prevent further liver symptoms is to stop drinking completely. It sounds like you have stopped in time, so that you have a good chance of being healthy again.
Just beware that if your doctor says you are okay, don't look at that as an excuse to continue drinking. Be one of the lucky ones who stop in time to avoid cirrhosis, ascites, hepatic encepholopathy, etc.
Go to AA if you need help staying stopped re: the alcohol. I did. And I now have almost 25 yrs. of continuous sobriety. Unfortunately, I went the drug route before alcohol and now have hep C, liver cancer, and am being evaluated for tranplant. However, had I not stopped drinking, I would've been dead years ago--of that I am sure.
Please come back after you've seen the doctor and post the results of that visit. You might want to get a referral to a GI doc or a hepatologist, as GPs don't have a lot of knowlege about liver disease.
Good luck!