Sunstars, welcome to the forum. PG gave you some good tips. The most important things for a person with liver disease is to stop drinking alcohol completely and to watch the sodium. Try not to have any added sodium. Canned foods are loaded with sodium, which is why we say to eat fresh and frozen. Canned beans can be eaten if they are rinised in cold, running water in a colander. Become an avid reader of nutrition labels, noting sodium content. The doctors may not say this, but he will do best on a diet of no more than 1000 mg of sodium a day. You can do a search here for posts about liver diet and also use Google for recipes. Use herbs and spices, and especially lemon juice, to replace salt. Limit beef to once or twice a month (I try to avoid it altogether.) No fried foods. His liver is already working overtime, so the goal is to not have it work any harder than necessary. Low-sodium will help prevent ascites and edema (fluid retention.)
Lactulose will help draw the ammonia from his brain if he becomes confused or has personality changes that can be attributed to ammonia build-up.
His challenge is to remain sober once he's released from the hospital. Also, should he ever need a transplant, he will need 6 mos. of documented sobriety in AA or another program approved by the transplant center. No doubt that the antidepressants will help him, but AA will give him a life without alcohol.
I hope you will keep us updated on his progress.