Well I got Troy to go in for bloodwork. His Bilirubin is 2.5. How high will it get before it becomes a problem?
He has not coughed up anymore blood lately. Thank goodness.
Bilirubin is only a part of the story. The last one of mine available to me is from 05/17/11 and was 0.7 (within normal range.) Nevertheless, I have cirrhosis and liver cancer. What other labs did he have done? Does he look jaundiced?
Bilirubin of 2.5 is high but not that high. I'm guessing at 2.5 the only sign would be slightly darker urine. My new "normal" is a little over 1 (0-1 being the normal range). Sometimes mine goes in the range but we're never worried until it goes over 2 only because it usually means something's up with my meds especially since my other levels are normal (ALT and AST) and the fact that I have Gilbert's syndrome as well. So you really need to know what the others are including Alk Phos (or ALP on some tests) and it's good to know what the indirect and direct bilirubin is as the total bilirubin is a combo of those...