Just recently had a follow-up visit with my hepatologist on 12/01/2011. Previously I had an Ultrasound done in November and called my doc about
my weight increase and stomach pain. He said the ultrasound showed everything was fine and also said that it looked like my weight increase was from muscle mass more than fluid retention and that I looked really well to him. Before he wanted me to try to keep my weight under 195 pounds otherwise take the Metalazone. A 2.5 mg. tablet to help decrease the fluid. We both agreed that my stomach problems were from the Metalazone which is rough on the system. Now he wants me to stay under 205 pounds or go to the Metalazone. It is hard to explain. Lately I have been like a recluse staying in watching TV and cooking. I have an unbelievable appetite. I am hungry all the time. It seems when I eat a big meal my stomach feels empty 2 hours later and at night I cannot sleep on an empty stomach. I eat the right foods but I eat alot of it. Some days are worse than others. Walking or any kind of light physical labor makes me even hungrier. I tried to limit the food intake but it is hard and I never have had an overeating problem before this. I have a lot of time on my hands and it has been over 2 years without working. I have to find something to do to fill this void. It has to be something that is not that strenuous otherwise when I do to much I pay for it physically. This has happened in the past with the walking and excersising. I over exert myself and end up sick and then quit. It is hard to do anything in moderation. I am going to stop rambling! Hope everyone enjoyed there Thanksgiving and Holidays to come. BostonMike.