Hello All,
I am new to the group. I was diagnosed with Hep C two years ago. Based on the research I have done, my exposure may be as far back as pre-1985. I looked at some old blood tests going back to 84 and noticed that I have always had some type of anomaly with my liver. Based on my interpretation of what I was told, I thought I had Hep C which went away and the anti-bodies in my blood were not the virus. After getting food poisoning, my current GP noticed something with my blood. He tested for Hep C and my viral load was pretty high. Well, now I know.
My symptoms are minor. Stomach issues, fatigue and the feeling I always have the flu (minor). I sometimes think my liver hurts. Do to the fact that I lost my wife to cancer 2 1/2 years ago, and the memories of the various treatments still haunting me, I have avoided the Interferon path.
That said, are there any "proven" natural paths to help with the symptoms and aid in strengthen my liver?