Two things.
At Mike's last appointment he told his surgeon that he had no sensation in his belly or near his scar and should he expect that to return or be concerned. Dr. told him that when you have organ replaced, they reattach all the important things...blood and duct work, etc. But the nerves were cut and that is that. No pain there ever. Though maybe the para will be painless.
And RE: Hematoma.
Remember I told you my sis fell on a cruise in November and hurt her leg badly. She had a hematoma about the size of a baseball, well half sticking out and the rest inside. They did not lance it, but said since it was dense it would take months to resolve. They gave her antibiotic for a while, then suspended that and it just took time. It was hot and hard for a long long time. And painful. It is now fine, but it was about 4 months red and then bluish.