At translant, Mike had been sober for 6 months.
He is now sober 26 months, but who's counting (that would be me).
Before transplant he was really ILL so I didn't notice any particular cravings.
After transplant he was in recovery mode at first, so no particular cravings.
But as he got better, the candy stuff started. His sugar was messed up for a while also.
Then after about a year, the sugar cravings got huge. He started gaining weight.
And now he has put a plug in that jug also. He has begun to get some exercise, has cut out the cookies, cakes, and candy (all bought by him, not me). And he is losing some weight and feeling much better.
I don't think he attributed his sweet cravings to missing the alcohol in his life. But I am sure that's it.
I can remember days where he'd buy a huge bag of those red twizzlers and eat the whole pound in a day
Good luck,