Wanted to thank everyone who has encourated me through the crazy days. I'm now taking Xifaxin along with the lactulose and it's helping. Things have stalled with being evaluated for transplant. I had four seizures last month (they originally thought it was mini stroke). We're still finding out more about
that and trying to get the right medication and the right doses.
So, none of the tests they were going to do at the pre-transplant clinic have been done yet. It's a bit frustrating because we keep having these clinic meetings (5 hours of driving) but nothing moves ahead. It's been 8 weeks since the hepatologist told me she wanted to do a contrast enhanced ultrasounds for liver cancer (a spot on the ultrasound) and possible clot on the portal vein, but that hasn't been done, either, even though it was on an urgent basis. A bit unsettling.
I find if I have a busy day, I must rest the next. Am extremely clumsy but learning ways to get around it. It's amazing how slow you can go if you have to! LOL Am thinking of getting a cane.
Not driving and not missing it - I know I'm incompetent in that department.
I have the scariest new symptom ... short term memory loss. Don't know whether it's from the HE or seizures but the only way I have to deal with it is just let go. If I try too hard to remember I panic and that's not a good thing. So I just have to let it go (not my strong suit - I'm pretty stubborn).
Am realizing that the greatest battle is ahead but am determined to buck up ... the lactulose and xifaxin help. So thanks to this forum I knew about it and was able to ask about it and GET IT.
Am always grateful for you all ... on the 18th we have another clinic meeting. Perhaps it will go better. I'm taking advantage of this lovely day where I am clear enough to say Merry Christmas to all.