as with all diseases, the sickest patients are generally overlooked when researchers study new txs. we are are the ones who slip thru the cracks.
i really didnt want to post. i wanted to see if i could make a paragraph. hey ziff it worked. now give me a tip on how to make a capital letter with only one hand. i have small hands.
ok!! i have advanced ms with a hep c kicker, that is also late stage. when i see all the new txs. coming down the pipeline for chronic disorders, i get excited . but it doesnt include the hard to cure(stage 3 and 4). in ms, all(100%) of therapy txs. is for inflamatory stages(early to mid stage). some of the txs. could help the chronic active, but insurance will not approve, without fda approval. "sound familiar".
just venting, i always post right before putting on the feed bag. mushu pork anyone.
ps. now i need to figure out how to put paragraph 2, where 3 is help!!!