Had my 2nd appointment with my hep post transplant today. Things are going great. My blood work is the best that it has been in years. The only things that are still high are my AST and ALT, but they are much closer to normal than they have EVER been!! My hep was very pleased. Reduced my prednisone to 10 mg a day. Took me off the Nystatin liquid. I don't have to see him for 3 months!
Doc is concerned about
my posture. When I was sick, I kinda slumped forward. As a result, my shoulders are slightly hunched now. I lost an inch in height. Doc approved the exercises the trainer at my health club wants me to do for cardio and to improve my posture.
I have been doing aquacize 3 times a week for 1 hour each and walk for 45 minutes on other days. I gained about
10 lbs of the 20 I had lost after transplant. Right now I am maintaining which is good for me when you consider I am on Prednisone. Thankfully, my appetite is no where near what it used to be a few years ago. I am working hard to eat high protein, low fat, low sodium diet. I drink 3 liters of water a day. Eventually, I would like to lose about
25 pounds. Perhaps, starting to do the recumbent bike will help with this.
Still have labs twice a week...now am on 5 mg of Prograf in am and pm. They lowered it a couple of weeks ago as I was having trouble with headaches. My main problem right now is ..I hate to say..constipation. I either got too used to lactulose or these new drugs are very binding. I have to take a stool softener daily along with a laxative at least once a week. UGH!
I drove my car for the first time in 3 years on Saturday!!!I am getting frustrated by how long it takes dial a ride to get me to Quest and the health club. It averages 45 minutes for what should be a 5-7 minute drive. On Friday, I plan to drive to the club. Luckily, there are less traveled back roads to both
Just wanted to let you know that life is good after transplant. I know there will be bumps along the way...but it is vast improvement over end stage liver disease and Cirhossis.