Just giving more of an update. I had my DXEA scan done. I have the results but no comparisons from my baseline. I was told there was not significant chage from baseline and if there was, the sponsors would have let my doctors know. Of course, there are some concerns for me but let me give you guys what is relevant here:
HBV DNA IU/mL - 199 (Still not undectable but the trend seems to be it's reducing by close to half each month for me. I suspect next test will be around 100)
HBV LOG 10 - 2.30 (reduced by .2 from last month)
HBsAg - Positive (Needs to be negative)
HBeAg - Negative
Total Bili -- 0.4 mg/dL
Dir Bili -- 0.1mg/dL
Ind Bili -- 0.3mg/dL
ALT (SGPT) - 54
AST (SGOT) - 38
My creatine level was a little high.. 1.26mg/dL when the max should be 1.24mg/dL. Thinkinking I should drink more water.
My PARATHYROID HORMONE is back down to 31.1 pg/mL, it was at 56 before. I needed to let this continue to go lower. I'm happy about this. It's still within normal range.
My total Cholesterol went up a bit from 150ish to 177ish. Funny, I was eating healthy for a few weeks before my test but the weekend of, was not a healthy weekend, so I suspect this has a lot to do with it. Plus I've had lack of exercise lately. However, with this lab, it's actually still normal.
Osteocalcin - 47.70ng/mL (Another number that was concerning me. It was up around high 50s last time so it's reduced with my Vitamin K-2 but still too high according to this test)
Overall, besides my 2 herniated and 2 bulge discs in my neck, I do feel a LOT better. I just want this viral load to go undetected first. Hopefully it is by the end of the year!