Schim, I'll play along!!! First of all hypothetical questions are infinite. You know they are always subject to change strictly at the will of the questioner. Gonna be a tough one but I got my dancing shoes on this morning
If this person decided to do whatever they wished regardless of warnings by their doctors, I'd suspect that there will be consequences. Minimal or Maximum but consequences none the less. Yep, It's in our nature as humans to be deceptive regardless of how trivial the truth may be. Can't go into that for the sake of others sanity here. Back to consequences. We all learn from a early age we can't get away from doing wrong for ever. It sneaks up and bites us on the arse eventually. A lie creates another and eventually it gets so outlandish the truth is exposed. Even the village idiot becomes weary of listening to non sense. (So said the village idiot).
You can pass drug test with masking chemicals sometimes, You can possibly stop drinking a few days prior to your hospital visit. You could stretch the borders of your morality as far as you like, There are theoretically no limits to what you can do but there is a limit to how long you can do it. Call it God, Call it Karma or human DNA, makes no difference. What goes up must come down. Why waste the precious time we are allotted in the air by hastening our fall to earth? Mom used to say "if Timmy jumped off a bridge and his friends said it was cool, Would you jump too?" Timmy has bad orthopedic problems now that we are older
Schim, "They" or "We" can do what we wish. Question is what is the consequence? I believe you kinda said that yourself in your last post. Is it a lie if you avoid being caught? Some say no. Unfortunately for some, They still have souls and whatever that constitutes it tends to "out" bad behavior. Got a soul? Give it a try. None of us are perfect, We don't have to be. We do (at least most of us) have to answer to ourselves and that's a much higher standard than that of the medical community or other humans in general. Be good to yourself.