Hi and firstly I would like to say what a great website this is, I have found a bit of comfort from some of the posts I have read on here.
Now to what has brought me to this site.
My wife was diagnosed with severe alcoholic hepatitis about
6 weeks ago, she is 43 years old. Before she was admitted to hospital she had developed severe jaundice and a swollen tummy(ascites) which was drained a couple of days after admission and showed no signs of SBP. On admission Bloods showed raised bilirubin >400, ALP 219 ALT 73 and raised inflammatory markers. She was reviewed by the doctors which showed an enlarged liver with no focal lesions and given a Maddrey score >32 and Glasgow liver score 9(very serious I know,from what I have researched)
My wife spent 11 days in hospital and had made good progression and her liver enzymes had continued to greatly improve, she was and is still eating very well, 3 meals a day. She is taking various medication....Prednisolone daily, then reducing to 5mg, Omeprazole and was taking the Lactulose solution for a while along with vitamin tablets which were prescribed.
Today, 5 weeks after being discharged she has developed very sore hands and feet, and also red spots on her back with a few on her arms. Is this a worrying sign? She has also had headaches the past couple of days. She has not touched a drop of alcohol for nearly 2 months now. Her stomach looks still swollen, although no bigger or smaller than when she was discharged as an outpatient. She is due for a review with the Gastro specialist and also to have an endoscopy in next couple of weeks.
I would just like to ask you guys, can you survive severe alcoholic hepatitis? A very serious bout from what I have researched. I'm really worried, we have 4 children.