Pre TP is tough.
Mike had some of these symptoms pre TP also.
He had full on acute kidney failure twice! Talked about
dialysis, but it never got that bad, they had him lie about
the hospital for a week and took bloods every few hours and juggled his chemicals around til they were back in balance, kidneys working again, and sent him home TO WAIT SOME MORE.
At one point they changed the tune, like with David, and said he had HYPONATREMIA.
Check it out HERE. the low sodium diet backfires and kidneys are not working right, you can have too little salt and yor body holds on to whatever fluid it has and thus the edema.
They put him on limited fluids for a few days (in hospital) on an IV drip regulated carefully. When it settled down, they again were having him drink a lot.
Mike's TP coordinator set him up a chart for the fluids in his legs (up to his groin)...his Lasix dosage varied depending on his daily weight...which would vary 5 or 10 pounds over the days (or more). That worked pretty well. With out day after day of mega doses.
You take a potassium spraining diuretic like spirondolactone also, right? YOu can't just have Lasix or it can mess you up when you are ESLD.
What is your sodium? It should be over 135, but definitely 125 or better. If lower, call the coordinator again. She may be looking at too few numbers.
The weather is at least cooler in NY....we are in the topics here just now.
Let us know how you are doing.
Mama Lama