As far as my thought on this problem exist from many different directions.Seems we all tend to over medicate, that leads to addiction.Our economy and social structuring has been the left to toy with GMO foods we eat daily, humanity places more sympathy for dead animals than the starving bellies of our own children.We give less to those who prove to be the mavericks of new engineering while paying lesser to "drone" college degree work bee. Either conform our way our eat that degree.
A article I posted here about
the cdc's latest health hotpots was from central America. There area some serious hep. related bugs coming up through our lower borders. Not trying to boogey boo anyone, but how much in medical aide can be spent with our current deficit? As Americans we'd loved to reach out and provided the world a coke and sing in perfect harmony. When does the reality hit? You can provide a free program every 2 hours for our society and it helps nothing. We'll have to go back to basics to brake the monsters we created. Lest we be the Zombies of the future.Perhaps :Just another brink in the wall . A bit from George Carlin :
VIEW IMAGE be mind find full George had a way of getting to the point.
The world has witnessed alot of change in my short time, I see more stress, Rarely do I see genuine help from a brother or sister (worldy). Self, Self, Self. mixed with that primeval spirit flicking a coin in someones hat, We tell ourselves what a good job we done but truth is you may have well kept the coin. My point: Give a Man a Fish he'll eat for a day. Teach a man to fish he'll eat for life. SSSSloowwwww down observe whats going on and you might make a difference.