Posted 9/12/2017 7:15 PM (GMT 0)
I'm a new member. Am out 26 mos. from my July 2015 liver transplant. Had ACUTE failure. Pathology reported due to ingested toxin...presumed to be poison mushroom in wild mushroom dinner. Had complete liver failure within 48 hrs of mushroom diner. Yes, really. On life support for several days, lost kidney function, all else was failing. I was given 48 hrs before irreversible brain damage. Miraculously, a living donor became available.. I shouldn't be here, but I'm doing fantastically well. Nearly normal!
HOWEVER, for over a year have had muscle spasms in legs, feet. Also, toes and fingers seem to drop out of joint, needing to be pulled back.
For past 6 mos., MUSCLE PAIN is real problem in arms, hands, neck. Do have osteoarthritis, but this is definitely a muscle problem. Would greatly appreciate any input. Is getting progressively worse.
Tacrolimus 1mg 2x day
Sirolimus 1.5
Losartan Potassium 37mg
Metroprolol 37 mg
Pantoprozole 20mg alt. days
Calcium Citrate 315 + Vit D 250 IU