Hello Everyone. I am MiksMom. I am searching information regarding my husbands liver levels. He is a heavy drinker. He's been in and out patient many times and nothing seems to truly help.
Recently he has anemia w/ thrombocytopenia. His potassium levels were very low. He has pac's/pvc's. He is pale in color. His blood pressure was shooting very high (stroke level). Very lethargic. He has fainted 3 times recently. He manages to get himself up and to work. Beyond work all he manages to do is sleep and drink until he sleeps again. His AST levels are 359. His ALT levels are 207.
I am rather in the dark as to where he is at right now on liver disease. I basically know nothing. His doctor mentioned sending him to a gastroenterologist next month.
Can anyone give me any answers as to what or where these levels are at in relationship to liver disease? It's a battle I can not fight until I have some knowledge on this. I am finding very little on the internet. So far nothing as to what these numbers mean.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.