Hello everyone....
Hope all is doing well.
I've been to my reg. doc. and I'm going to my hep doc next Friday. It will be 1 year since all this started...Its been 6 months since I've been off the meds. And, my reg. doc says all my blood work looked really good.
I'm feeling pretty good....gained a few pounds back which I didn't want too but I am exercising and still drinking all my water.....It feels good to have my weekends back and not in bed.....
We are going to put the house up for sale soon and try this again...
I did loose a cousin 2 weeks ago she had massive heart attack age 51 scary!!!! she wasn't even sick!!!
My sister just went for a check up and her liver enzymes are high and she sees the doc today. They want to check her for B and C. She's my older sister that told me not to do the treatments because they were worse than the actual Hep....She said she really doesn't want to know if she has it because she's worried about the guy she's been dating for the last 2 years.....she doesn't want to be alone and she thinks he will leave her.
My dad was told he had hep in the service...but we really don't know much about it because he past away awhile ago from colan cancer....
Can you get Hep C from someone or is that just Hep B that you get from someone?
Well hope all is well
PS my hair came back
Tons of hugs to all
I think of you guys a lot