I was just reading one of the replies regarding the transmission of Hep C. This is transmitted by blood to blood. You don't just have to use needles. I don't want to alarm some people, but if you are doing drugs, you can spread Hep C, by sharing a straw and a dollar bill, while inhaling susbstances.
Also, sharing razors, innocently, Hep C lives three weeks out of the body.
Menstral blood should be suspect. Sharing a toothbrush (yuck gums bleed) Getting tatto's, body piercings, even getting a mancure. Do not be ashamed to tell you have Hep C. Knowledge is power.
It does not matter how you got this diesease it's how you live with it. This does not have to be death sentence. Be liver friendly, change your lifestyles, this means diet, etc.
I hope some of this info helped someone.