I'm not sure this helps but I sympathize with you and have gone through much of the same (except for the vomiting). It appears my gallbladder is sluggish / working intermittantly. I am actually scheduling a gastric-emptying study soon (waiting for the place to call me on monday) because my doctor isn't 100% confident my GB is the culprit. He's pretty certain (he said 80%) but the emptying study is a relatively simple test to rule out an alternative problem and I think it's worth the time.
From what I've been reading, there's no real good single test to determine gallbladder dysfunctions so the doctors like to rule everything else out before resorting to surgery. Given that is the case, I think that's a good approach as well, even if it does take forever. Argh.
I've found that DGL Licorice works well to keep my stomach settled. I'm guessing that if your bile is backing up into your stomach you might very well have irritiation now and the DGL is supposed to help with that. That and antacids if you are getting heartburn/etc.
Once your stomach is settled down you'll need to see if you can find out which foods are triggering your GB to dump it's contents. I'm not a doctor, but, I'd think that perhaps like mine it's just getting backed up and then dumps everything all at once (the flood gates open). If so, maybe eating low-fat foods and foods that thin the bile and keep it moving might minimize your symptoms, simply by keeping it from getting backed up too badly. Beets, Apples, Olive Oil, are all on the lists of 'good foods' for bile production. Don't listen to me though, ask your doctor. Good luck!